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$5000 investment (pay in full) or
$2750 deposit, followed by $2350
turn ideas into revenue
the essential six


The Essential Six is for the entrepreneur or business owner ready to move an idea; and learn how-to refine the idea to drive revenue and design a service as a product. We get rid of what’s been in the way and focus on what really matters. Through designed frameworks and direction, you will stay on task and learn how to organize and implement your project. There is a tangible, realistic product that results from the Essential Six sessions when the tools provided are implemented. To be completed within three months of the start date.

  • Six (6) One Hour Coaching Calls: You’ll get six hours of uninterrupted time to map out your idea using a set of frameworks that will get you from an idea to reality. Calls are scheduled in a cadence that supports the scope of your project. To be completed within (3) three months time.

  • Material Review: We take the time to hear what has already been completed in your process and listen for actionable steps that may have been missed. Throughout our time together, we will continuously review your work and expand to next steps at a digestible pace. Support and direction will be provided.

  • Proven Resources + Frameworks: Project development processes to cause an end-result that did not exist before. Through clarifying, mapping, and building measures for your progress, these tools support production of your project. 

  • In-between Session Support: Should you need direction and answers to questions and feedback, in between support is provided via email as needed.

  • Personalized Inspired Actions document and shared, online folders: A detailed session document captures your insights gained throughout each session and provides you with clear action steps to move forward in between our time together. Shared folders are a space to receive frameworks and further direction to keep your refinement, writing, and project development moving forward.


You feel a transition in the air and you know you're capable of taking your upgrade — you just need a little help. I've got you. 
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immersive, roll up your sleeves, get-down-to-business productivity

In a world of increased intelligence of the artificial type, sometimes we need the same convenience but specific and customized that is clearly personal and made-to-order. 

If you know you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get-down-to-work to elevate your business to the next level within a structured period of time, a customized package might be exactly what you need. Learn some creative ways to experience what you’re craving to learn. If you’re goal-oriented and results-driven, we can create clarification for your business, team structures, systems, and/or a major deep dive into creating something that you’re ready to make happen.  

Receive high level attention and direction with clear actions to move you, your existing business, or your new project forward. We work with you for as few as three hourly sessions or as long as twelve months with defined guidance. We meet on Zoom and work strategically in clarifying, content creation, and project development. Expect inspired actions and a planning map for getting work done towards your goal. Expect results in project development, messaging, marketing and promotions, validating your offer and seeing your emerging biz model unfold.  

customized & personalized
3-Day VIP
welcome to your
3-Day VIP Beach
Biz Intensive

Minimize doubt. Increase revenue. Thrive through the process.

This investment is buying you money, know-how, and convenience. A year’s worth of work in three uninterrupted days with experience and organization supporting every step. The 3-Day beach biz intensive is customized and personalized for what you need inside of the framework BUILD, SCAFFOLD, IMPLEMENT. These days are designed inside a schedule and proven frameworks that ensure you leave the beach with a business playbook — ready to apply as soon as you leave.


Consider this Biz Boot Camp with VIP treatment. Receive the benefits of expertise, undivided attention, and days spent focused on what is needed to move your growth and the growth of your business forward with time for inspirational refreshment. 

not sure where to begin?

schedule a 30 minute Discovery Call with Mary Lyn.

this complimentary call allows us to get to know each other, get clear on your goals, chat about what offering might be right for you, and discover if Big Fish Co. is the right fit for you in the next step in your journey. 

After the call, you'll receive a document of insight as a follow up and zero pressure.

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